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Quality in Medical Writing


A great deal of medical information is published at an ever-increasing pace. In order to stand out and reach the right audiences, it is particularly important to pay attention to the quality of the scientific texts being published.

The number of published scientific papers and choices of publication channels have steeply increased during the last decades. As a result, trying to navigate the growing deluge of data has become a challenge for both the audience and writers. At the same time, journal quality requirements regarding transparency of information to be published and ethics of research have become stricter. Medical writing has become a prominent professional activity and the quality of the texts is of utmost importance.

Delivering the core message effectively

A well-defined message is the core of any scientific text: the aim is to get the reader to understand the main idea of a complex topic. To successfully convey a message, one should have a clear picture of the target audience and publication channels. The intent of scientific writing is not just to replicate results. A compelling scientific text purposefully places research findings within the framework of contemporary knowledge: how new knowledge relates to what is already known and perhaps even changes our perceptions of the subject.

A good scientific text results from a combination of vision, experience, and a clear process.

Key elements of high-quality scientific text

A good scientific text results from a combination of vision, experience, and a clear process. Both vision and experience consist of solid scientific knowledge, high-quality technical expertise, and a capability to visualize, understand, and interpret data. Following a well-defined writing process that entails consistency, systematicity, and quality checking, a complete text is formed around fact-based information with a narrative that supports the core message. Finishing up with the right style, the intended scientific information can be presented in a fluid, credible, and interesting way.

In addition, the texts undergo a language check by a native English speaker.

Medical writing services at MedEngine

At MedEngine, medical writing is based on a meticulous process designed to ensure that all the criteria for quality text are met and comply with the appropriate requirements applicable to the field.  The authors are academic writers, with a Ph.D. and long research careers. As part of the process and quality check, at least one external review is always performed. In addition, the texts undergo a language check by a native English speaker. At the beginning of the writing process the core message of the text is formulated together with the customer, and all steps and modifications are carefully and systematically documented. Each writing service is executed as a tailored production, taking into account the client’s needs and schedule.

Expert interviewed: Aino Vesikansa

Mónica Ferreira

Mónica Ferreira

Mónica Ferreira, PhD, works at MedEngine as a Medical Writer.