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MedEngine Warmly Welcomes: Klaus Elfving


We are happy to announce that our team is growing with a completely new position! Klaus Elfving has started at MedEngine as a Digital Content Lead.

Klaus is a versatile, well-rounded guy. He has a master’s degree in Social Sciences from Tampere University and majored in Communications. He tells us he’s also studied history, musicology, and the arts as minors. “I’ve worked in many kinds of positions in the media industry: as a broadcast journalist, photographer, freelance writer, and videographer. At my core, I think I’m always curious about the ways of the world”, Klaus describes. “I try to be a constant learner and do get fascinated easily, whether it be International Relations or AI and Quantum computing, for instance.”

I think there’s a sweet spot where I can use my education, learned skills, and expertise — and have a real impact.

Klaus tells us that when entering university, he only knew that he wanted to know more about the world. “It was the curiosity and amazement of all of things new that drove me, really. After my studies I became highly motivated in trying to find a way to contribute to society the best I could. During the last few years, I’ve dedicated myself professionally to science communication. I think there’s a sweet spot there where I can use my education, learned skills, and expertise — and have a real impact. Meaningful work, contribution to society and a decent work-life balance are the megatrends of my generation. I’m in no way an exception. It has been interesting to notice meaningful work is something of a fixed topic in the MedEngine employee interviews, too, that I’ve been conducting now for the last year.”

Klaus has had the chance to travel a bit for studies and work: “I’ve been to China, Ghana and Brazil, for instance. In Brazil I spent a year as an exchange student. I was studying in two universities, the University of São Paulo (USP) and São Paulo State University (UNESP). I was living with two nuclear physicists, a teacher, and a bunch of oceanographers. At least at the time, the University of São Paulo had two to three working nuclear reactors on campus, which I thought was pretty wild. The huge tropical campus area was built for the Olympic games in the 1970’s and it had a rowing stadium, a velodrome and three Olympic size pools for the students to use. I also got to visit the laser laboratories in the Physics department, where one of my roommates was working with some cutting-edge technology.”

I realized that professionally our paths lined up perfectly with the company.

Klaus started to work with MedEngine first as a freelancer in 2020. The story of how Klaus got to work with MedEngine in the first place is a vivid one. “Well, I’m a devoted fan of music — I also work as a DJ. I was booked to do a show in a private party. The event was a dog’s, Gunnar’s, birthday party. I ended up having a great time and wondering who were all the amazing people that I met at the event. I was offered a ride home by Miika and got to talk a bit more in-depth with him and his lovely wife. I realized that professionally our paths lined up perfectly with the company. That started my journey in MedEngine in September 2020 — and I am now super excited to take up this new responsibility as Digital Content Lead!”

“Many people are surprised to hear I’m a quite introverted person.

How is Klaus as a person? His description to us: “Although I have my social side, many people have been surprised to hear I’m a quite introverted person. More specifically, I feel that I do not necessarily need to have external stimuli to be who I am. I’d like to be able to choose — I can be perfectly happy by myself, but I can also enjoy being in front of a crowd. It depends.”

Klaus lives with his partner in Töölö, Helsinki. “In general, I try to take care of myself. I run on average once a week and have been thinking of reviving climbing as a hobby now that we have so many people interested in it in MedEngine! Though, most of my free time I do spend with some sort of music related activities. I host a monthly radio show, still do shows as a DJ and play the drums.”

On that note, to conclude, Klaus has an invitation to us all: “I’ve been part of the samba community playing Brazilian percussion in Finland since 2005. We are taking over the city every June for the Helsinki Samba Carnival. It’s free of charge and quite a spectacle with hundreds of people performing and spectators arriving by the thousands! This year the parade will be on this upcoming Saturday, the 11th of June. It’s going to be a blast. You are all very welcome to join!”

How exciting to have you onboard, Klaus! A warm welcome!

Miika Fadjukov

Miika Fadjukov

Miika has his background in biotechnology and he has specialized in biological imaging and image analysis. As a creative person with an endless fascination for science, Miika enjoys combining his scientific background with his love for creative thinking in projects that can actually improve patients’ quality of life.